Tuesday, April 13, 2010


Yeah so I bought brown hair dye for the purpose of anime north.
I choose to cosplay as Suzumiya Haruhi and she, in fact, has brown hair.

So I did the deed.

It looked the same as before.
I inspected for a good 5 mins and it looked exactly the same as my previous hair colour.
I was sad.

Then, I turned the light on.

My hair was brown.

Sunday, April 11, 2010



Light brown

First two are the most important :(
Anyone have suggestions for where I could get them?
The place I use to go started asking for ID,
so dumb ~_~

Monday, April 5, 2010

I've been neglecting you, my dear blog.

Hello there,
so yes I haven't really been in the mood to be making blogs and this time is an exception because its the last day of the easter break and I have nothing to do...
Other than work that is. lol
So fml.

ps. lots of things are making me feel incredibly sad,
but I'll keep smiling for those who need me.
Doing anything else would just be selfish and I don't wanna be like that anymore.

Saturday, December 12, 2009


So it was my birthday/ my brother's birthday a few days ago ( both on December 8th )
and I would like to thank everyone who greeted me and gave me stuff and junk :D


Okay, that's all. xD

ps. My brother got me WORLD WAR Z !!!
GASP x2984718409384912.45 :D

Saturday, October 24, 2009


So first of all,
you shouldn't even be saying anything cause I don't even talk to you.
See, I knew there was a reason why I didn't like you
( other than the fact that it seems like you hate me ).
Second of all, you have no reason to be saying shit in the first place.
Cause I'm almost positive that you're the one who's doing what you said I was doing.
I don't understand why you're talking about me in the first place, okay.
There are more "interesting" people around.
I don't sleep around and I'm not a hoe, I don't do drugs and get stoned every day.
So answer this : why are you even saying shit about me?

This may not seem like a big deal to you, but guess what
And you're not even a part of it,
So take your rumours and go make something of your life
cause I'm not going to bother myself with your shit.

Sunday, September 20, 2009


So I went to my Aunt's wedding yesterday and I just woke up.
I was so stoked to go and started getting ready at 2PM, while the wedding ceremony would be at 4PM.
When I was finished I ended up looking like this :
Myess. LOL
So I cried during the ceremony. TT_TT
And it was very short and sweet because after that, we went outside the church for pictures at the front with both sides of the family. :)
Immediately after the pictures, we were expected to go straight to the reception, which was held at a hotel ( but first we had to pick up my dad from home, cause my assumption is that he only goes to parties for the food. I think I'm pretty accurate actually :B ).

Me and a bunch of my cousins had to perform a little number in honour of the wedding and it consisted of three parts as well as an outfit that first made us look like waitresses, and then after a few tweeks, like air hostesses. LOL
Terrific. xD
So the cousins which participated were:
Lori Joy
Chris G.
Chris I.
and Reyden

We did a 70's ( I think it was LOL I'm not good with history D: ) inspired performance.
The girls sang "Truly Madly Deeply" by Savage Garden, while the boys played their instruments to it. The next song was "You're the One that I Want" from Grease, where we all dances and the two stars Erikha and Joredan had to sing about wanting each other LOL. And the final song was a dance number to "Grease Lightning" also from Grease. It was very fun performing it, even though we had to leave part way through eating our prime ribs :( lol
We got lots of compliments when the girls were all in the bathroom getting ready to change, it was very flattering xD

So basically, all the cousins took over the dance floor and were obviously tipsy LOL
Passing around cousinly shots and what not xD

When I finally got home at like 2AM, I looked like this:

LOL big difference. I danced til my legs hurt and I felt dizzy, most likely sweated off my makeup or accidentally wiped it off from sweating so much, and I tied my hair cause it felt gross on my back xD

Overall, what a great night.
Besides the fact that I got sick :(
BOOOOOO *thumbs down*

Monday, September 7, 2009

Too much sun

Causes cancer.

Yes. It does.
But that is not what I'm going to be talking about here.
I am going to be telling you all about my tiredness lol
So since it is the day before classes, I decided to wake up early in order to prepare myself for the next day. This kinda failed slightly because I just fell back to sleep.
Other than this, I believed that I would have a wedding performance rehearsal like i did every Monday and Friday, but it turns out that I participated in something more physically demanding. This is called: Family picnic. A nice picnic at Ching park on Labour Day, what a nice thing to do right? Wrong.
LOL after eating a large hotdog, the cousins and I walked on down to the sandy volleyball courts while I ate a piece of cake. I then suddenly convinced myself to play the game and surprisingly, I didn't pass out from heat-stroke lol.
Some nice Dr.Pepper spokespersos guy came up to us during our game and gave us a bottle of Dr.Pepper though, so I think that helped with the whole heat-stroke thing xD. So even after I promised myself to save my energy for work later on, I still played and I got extremely tired. So now, as I type this, it is 4:35PM and I will be leaving for work in about 10 minutes, hopefully I don't pass out there xD
I will be returning home at approx. 11:23PM tonight, where I will then lie in bed and watch the food network until I finally drift off to sleep at around 1:06AM.
LOL hopefully school won't be too harsh on this poor little person D:

p.s. I think the sun made me soooo dark Dx
and I love my boyfriend <3 LOL